For The Record: Steph Arant
Meet Steph Arant and get a glimpse into her life as an influencer in Orange County, California.
1. Tell us a little about your background – have you always wanted to be an influencer?
I guess it all started in college! I went to Cal State Fullerton and got my degree in Marketing and one of my last class assignments for our first EVER social media marketing class was to create a blog. I focused mine around what fashion was doing in social media (Facebook and Twitter only days) and decided to keep posting after the class ended.
As far as wanting to be an influencer, that word didn't even exist when I started blogging and on Instagram. For me, it was strictly an outlet of expression and way to meet like-minded fashion focused people while I worked my 9-5 job.
2. What does your typical day look like as a full-time influencer?
Usually it's waking up, making coffee and breakfast and tackling emails. From there I usually set up to shoot with a friend for a few hours and/or handle any meetings I have up in LA. I also like to end my day with a few emails to make sure I don't miss anything urgent!
3. How do you define your personal style?
My personal style is always dependent on my mood that day. I can be a little all over the place which I've always loved. Some days I am feeling more edgy, some days more feminine, and others more menswear inspired.
4. Who is your biggest style inspiration?
I really love Oumayma Elboumeshouli for her elevated looks, posing, and photographic eye for things. I also love my girl Alyssa Coscarelli for her day-to-day style that is so creative yet attainable.5. What is one style tip you would give to all women to help them define their personal style?
For me, it's think about what feels natural and easy and go from there. For example, I used to love wearing jeans but started feeling more comfortable in trousers so I started transitioning a lot of my outfits that way.
6. What are some trends you’re loving for spring?
Chunky sandals (think Chanel or Dr. Martens) and backless tops.
7. What is your favorite piece from the Rag Poets spring collection and why?
The Alassio Dress is my absolute favorite. I've been leaning more towards dresses lately and the silhouette is so perfect for easy Spring dressing.
8. In honor of Women's History Month, who is a woman you look up to and why?
I have a lot of people I look up to, but specifically right now my mother-in-law is someone I'm really looking up to. She's made a transition to going back to school to pursue a passion she set aside to care for her kids when they were younger. Now that they are off and married, she's decided to continue that dream and I just have so much respect and love for that passion!
9. Why is women’s empowerment important to you?
It's important to switch the narrative from women being inadequate to handle various jobs, situations, and other stereotypes because we truly have so much to offer. We are capable of anything and we need to teach our younger generations that there shouldn't ever be a feeling of inadequacy based on our gender. There are so many opportunities missed because of what society has taught us to base our expectations on.
10. What's one piece of advice you would give women out there looking to pursue a career as an influencer?
Be sure you are doing it for the right reasons. While things look so shiny and fantastic on the outside this entire industry came about because there were groups of people who felt out of place and wanted to create a space where they could share their passion for styling, outfits, and cool new stores they loved. It's important to remember that if you want to come into this space you should have a reason to do it whether it's to share information, create a safe space for like minded individuals, or provide inspiration for others.
For more on Steph, click here. To shop the new Rag Poets Spring Collection, click here.